Initial Consultation with Dr Christopher Lekich

Initial Consultation with Dr Christopher Lekich

At the initial consultation Dr Lekich, who specialises in the management of venous, lymphatic and lipoedema disorders, will make a thorough clinical assessment of any vein symptoms you may have.

  • Trvanie: 30 Minút (cca.)
Cena od AUD 245,00 AUD
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Initial Consultation with Dr Nicholas Teo

Initial Consultation with Dr Nicholas Teo

At the initial consultation, Dr Teo, who specialises in the management of venous, lymphatic and lipoedema disorders, will make a thorough clinical assessment of any leg symptoms you may have.

  • Trvanie: 30 Minút (cca.)
Cena od AUD 245,00 AUD
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Initial Consultation with Dr Kim Jackman

Initial Consultation with Dr Kim Jackman

At the initial consultation, Dr Jackman, who specialises in the management of venous, lymphatic and lipoedema disorders, will make a thorough clinical assessment of any leg symptoms you may have.

  • Trvanie: 30 Minút (cca.)
Cena od AUD 245,00 AUD
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