Initial Consultation with Dr Christopher Lekich

Initial Consultation with Dr Christopher Lekich
From AUD $245.00
  • Duration: 30 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: Miami, QLD
  • Product code: VCICL

At the initial consultation, Dr Lekich who specialises in the management of venous, lymphatic and lipoedema disorders, will make a thorough clinical assessment of any vein symptoms you may have.

This includes a full history, clinical examination, and a quick bedside ultrasound scan. A subsequent detailed and complete duplex ultrasound with a dedicated vascular sonographer is often required for a thorough clinical assessment.

This comprehensive venous duplex assessment will cost $380, payable at the time of scan. There is a Medicare rebate of approximately $288 with an out of pocket cost of $92,  This scan, if time allows, could be done on the same day of the initial consultation or may have be scheduled on a subsequent day.

Following all relevant investigations, Dr Lekich will discuss any relevant diagnoses and management options. A treatment schedule will be proposed and costings will be provided.